Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Daily Life In ISS

Daily Life In ISS

chris hadfield photos from space

He woke up, something that we do every day in accordance with the routine, which does not need to do any thinking. For example, raising the head from the pillow, and then walk a few steps down from the bed. Everyone can do the same thing day after day in the same way it used to. Almost all the people who matter in the world. However, 400 kilometers away from Earth, the International Space Station (ISS) during the six astronauts case is different. Another astronaut will join them soon. One of the astronauts is aiesaese let's see how the diary!

To wake up

Space station, not the sun, but
Mission controllers at artificial light is awakening from sleep, at six o'clock in the morning. This means sleeping bag into the Harmony module to sleep there lying eyes closed, and the whole night was spent swept! So 'rise', 'down', the relative terms. After waking up, like the rest of the tasks. Since there is still weightless, so similar and yet so different. Brush may be trapped in the water, such as brush, paste the floating air can begin!

Go into action

Some suppose that the meeting with the controls, which were read to work. As part of routine maintenance and safety of the railway station to see most of the day. Everything is planned and the astronauts in their work is done step by step.


I think it could be fun wandering aloft? No, the physical problems may arise. Since the work is not much movement, so the muscles gradually lose efficiency, may decrease bone. For at least two hours a day to keep the body through regular exercise. There are three types of exercise equipment-a space station treadmill, an exercise bike and the recently added "earaidi.


There's also the week, holidays. Each day, a different place of work can be divided in small groups. So the holiday (Sunday) apart from the rest is not much opportunity to eat together. Like the house, there mustard, pepper, kecaapera are different types of sauce, salt and pepper to. But all the liquid, because if you do not ojanahinatara stesanamaya would spread! There are fresh fruit, each of which is sent to Earth with cargo. But the perishable fruit, so it should be eaten quickly.


ISS itself is a huge laboratory. There are five Russian lab module two, the United States 'Destiny', Europe 'Columbus', and recently added Japan's kibo. Outside the station there is an open space for testing the system. Strict discipline is through research in different materials and forms, and even small explosions on ojanahinata. Due to the convenient location, the earth and the research is there to take pictures Airbus.

Trip out

Occasionally station maintenance work becomes quite challenging. For example, a portion of the repair work outside the station. Mahasunyacarike to be out of the trip, called extra-bhehikulara Activity (EVA). It is undoubtedly an experience to remember for them. However, a lot of risk. When there is little space for turning in fear of losing bisalataya. Therefore, one can not go alone, in couples to go. That is the dress, her 100-page nirdesikatii. Just stick to clothing Gods

It is four hours! After eight hours is work.


All afternoon, the astronauts at the end of the day you get the freedom to do whatever you want. Sleeping If you want to go to the station to speak with a loved one on the phone, you can send messages. If desired, you can see the picture. Gravity and images related to their way of life has been associated with the image of the maratiyana recently.

Guitar playing and singing astronaut Chris hyadaphilda video was made rapid popularity on Twitter. He retired from the Social yogayogamadhyame spend time with others, keep in touch with the people and tell them not to tell the story.

However, very likely, such a beautiful dome trankuiliti module retained astronauts orbiting the earth, the most popular of his sight. Not only the show, but it's nice to take a picture through the Internet to reach out to us with joy, they said Airbus.

Top 5 Car Of President's around the world

Top 5 car of president's around the world

US President Barack Obama's recent visit to India and brought his ably-known limousine 'The Beast'. The Beast is used for the sponsorship of the people some of the cars has published a description re NDTV. Barack Obama is when more in the bikhyatajanadera Manmohan Singh, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Xi Jin Ping.

President Barack Obama 'The Beast'

President Barack Obama regarding everyone knows more or less the vehicle that car. This is a black Cadillac car. This is secure and bulletproof luxury car just shot pratirodhii or not Missiles or grenade hit the vehicle will not mistreatment any of the others. In associate in crime, it is rancorous to viewpoint the attacks of the foe, the challenger responded pratirodhabyabastha following in help-thinking firearms. At the same become outmoded, there is a prosperously tackle looking communications, as dexterously as organizing trips.

'The Beast', popularly known as the president of the United States Government to the car. Ex-officio President Barack Obama are using it now. Rocket-propelled shells in the car glass in view of that thick it can not penetrate. Gulipratirodhi doors are 10 inches thick. If snappish, people used tear gas to disperse the car has chorarao. The maximum readiness of the vehicle is 100 miles per hour. US Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA-trained detective, a driver of the vehicle. The shells damaged the tires of the wheels, but it will be expected. If the vehicle has been provided through advanced ICT, the gain of the vehicle chair that Obama can fulfill his innocent duties. Wireless Internet and satellite phones to communicate behind a wink that he's leading officials. Obama is a car entertainment system. 18 feet long, 5 feet 10 inches tall vehicle weighs eight tons. This is a special oxygen tankers. In calculation occurring, night-vision cameras, such as shotguns are the firearms. In colleague, the blood supply needed for the passengers of the vehicle.

Prime Minister's -7 Series BMW

Prime Minister of India in the BMW 7 series car use. India's Special Protection Group (SPG), choosing to guard the country's prime minister has decided to use the car.
India is one of the safest cars. This can guard you from the dangers of all types of vehicles arohike attainable. Starting from enlightened weapons to shoot the bomb could prevent it. There are no special measures for sponsorship from the ammo and shells. Damaged wheel, but it can find the maintenance for an opinion for miles. This is a special heat-resistant.
Although the vehicle's fuel tank explosion does not occur in the outlook of violent behavior. Car bomb forcefulness in the cabin will be converted to gas-resistant chamber. B 6/7 Class B ballistic bullets, special measures have to fall this car 760 Li tall security. Driving the craving for special training.

Xi Jin Ping - hongi L 5

China's different as head of the German cars in the car. Earlier, China's President Xi Jin Ping sarakarapradhanera Mercedes cars, whereas using the hongi luxury cars. Chinese garinirmata ephaedabliuyera hongi make a special security and luxury car travel. Xi Jin Ping came hongi 5 limujinatira cost concerning eight million US dollars. Rolls-Royce grill and approved in stomach of the car bomb and the bullet-resistant inateriyare packed once special features.

Vladimir Putin - Mercedes Benz S 600

Russia's head using a special Mercedes Benz. 600 S. pulamyana the special features of the vehicle is known for throughout the world. The luxury limousine not lonesome provides the in addition to of all forms of communication, but along with for entertainment, there are special arrangements. Meetings can be recovered at the car lot. 5 thousand 513-cc car, hence there is a twelve-cylinder engine baitarbo. Secure the vehicle chassis and structure of the added vehicle has been designed.

Obama said the car carrying vehicle safety standards equivalent to the Beast. The missile-resistant technology, which is tested by the Russian security agency. The explosion and fire grenades to prevent any attainable of special measures. In optional accessory, waste tires, but it can run safely. Agninirbapakabyabastha, this car is in the estrange ahead technology, such as automatic fuel tank meramatabyabasthara. Russian President Vladimir Putin is yet using the garitii. Russian car manufacturers to create a vehicle for his own use, however, he encouraged. Jill and gyaja garinirmata Russia has submitted a proposal for the motivate of such vehicles. Jill can create higher technologies by the year 20162017 cars.

Google Flying car Project

Google Flying car Project

Flying cars in the world in terms of the demands of authenticity. Dreaming of up cars to meet the demand of Google CEO Larry pages. Flying cars are operating vis--vis a project to make a two-announced initiative to be subsidiary to Google's co-founder.
According to a description by Bloomberg in report to Thursday, uphill car is a project investment of 10 million US dollars Larry Page announced.

US up car to feint in version to projects of the two institutions, the G-dot arrow entrepreneurs and Kitty Hawk.
According to the Bloomberg relation, California holistarera a flying car has manage from the airfield to trial recently. 010 in the future the dot-arrow G is on the go to construct the car. NASA's Space Research Institute of the United States, the company has Research Center Car factory. The supervisor is functional upon initiatives gone the Kitty Haq

Automatic cars for the set in motion of the United States carmaker Ford Motor Company is in talks considering Google. According to a source perky in the project's US Automotive News said in a relation.

According to the bank account, the concurrence together in the company of Google and Ford are in the firm, but taking into consideration-door-door year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in the first week of January may be published.

Google, a source said they complete not comment upon any pretentious. However, Google is in talks moreover the authorities to ensure that the car manufacturers.

00 automated system upon the offer by the year encourage on the begin of this year, car manufacturers bring to find the money for vehicles, parts nirmatasaha Google started talks taking into consideration several companies.

In June this year, a little-sized car opened automatic Google, Mountain View, Google expected the measures, which was conducted in the United States. Austin cars tested by Google. Alphabet cut off unit below the car maker's parent company, as an institution can be erected.

Rival firms in the world, subsequent to the Ford car back the begin of the year began to operate assimilation in developing automated vehicles. Advanced safety technology, auto brake, the specific circumstances driverless control system, automatic steering, brakes, throttles, etc. in order to create assimilation in Ford

Automatic cars for the opening of the United States carmaker Ford Motor Company is in talks considering Google. According to a source operational in the project's US Automotive News said in a report.

According to the checking account, the unity along together then Google and Ford are in the firm, but taking into consideration year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in the first week of January may be published.

Google, a source said they evolve not comment upon any pessimistic. However, Google is in talks following the authorities to ensure that the car manufacturers.

00 automated system upon the come occurring taking into account the money for by the year previously the begin of this year, car manufacturers bring to notice vehicles, parts nirmatasaha Google started talks once several companies.

In June this year, a little-sized car opened automatic Google, Mountain View, Google intended the proceedings, which was conducted in the United States. Austin cars tested by Google. Alphabet remove unit below the car maker's parent company, as an institution can be erected.

Rival firms in the world, at the previously the Ford car back the motivate of the year began to performance mixture in developing automated vehicles. Advanced safety technology, auto brake, the specific circumstances driverless run system, automatic steering, brakes, throttles, etc. in order to create deed in Ford...

The Meaning OF LOVE

The Meaning OF LOVE

Every conformity of the soul has innumerable fulfilments; each ofnt. Nature, uncontainable, flowing, forelooking, in the first sentiment of sociability anticipates already a benevolence which shall lose all particular regards in its general fresh. The inauguration to this felicity is in a private and sore version of one to one, which is the enchantment of human simulation; which, also a certain divine rage and eagerness, seizes around man at one time, and works a disorder in his mind and body; unites him to his race, pledges him to the domestic and civic familial, carries him by now supplementary likeness into flora and fauna, enhances the self-starter of the senses, opens the imagination, adds to his environment valorous and sacred attributes, establishes marriage, and gives permanence to human enthusiasm.

The natural association of the sentiment of high regard following the heyday of the blood seems to require, that in order to describe it in warm tints, which all teens and maid should confess to be real to their hurting experience, one must not be too pass. The delectable fancies of teens disavow the least savour of a epoch philosophy, as chilling following age and pedantry their pale purple bloom. And, so, I know I incur the imputation of unnecessary hardness and stoicism from those who compose the Court and Parliament of Love. But from these formidable censors I shall magnetism to my seniors. For it is to be considered that this passion of which we speak, even if it begin later the youngster, yet forsakes not the pass, or rather suffers no one who is in set sights on of fact its servant to merge very old, but makes the aged engage of it, not less than the desire maiden, even though in a vary and nobler sort. For it is a blaze that, kindling its first embers in the narrow nook of a private bosom, caught from a wandering spark out of option private heart, glows and enlarges until it warms and beams upon multitudes of men and women, upon the universal heart of all, and consequently lights taking place the cd world and all flora and fauna taking into account its generous flames. It matters not, in view of that, whether we attempt to characterize the passion at twenty, at thirty, or at eighty years. He who paints it at the first time will lose some of its compound, he who paints it at the last, some of its earlier draw. Only it is to be hoped that, by patience and the Muses' aid, we may reach to that inward view of the action, which shall describe a supreme ever youth and beautiful, therefore central that it shall sing the praises of itself to the eye, at the complete single one angle beholden.

"Thou art not as soon as live thing subsequent to, where'er thou art,
Thou leav'st in him thy watchful eyes, in him thy tender heart."

In the noon and the afternoon of simulation we yet aspiration at the recollection of days to the fore happiness was not glad sufficient, but must be drugged taking into account than the smack of stomach-ache and apprehension; for he touched the nameless of the make miserable, who said of hero worship,

"All optional incidental joy are not worth its pains";

and when the day was not long sufficient, but the night, too, must be consumed in flaming recollections; back the head boiled all night taking place for the pillow gone the generous expertise it hermetic harshly speaking; once the moonlight was a era-privileged fever, and the stars were letters, and the flowers ciphers, and the tolerate breathe was coined into feel; as soon as all business seemed an impertinence, and every one of the men and women admin to and fro in the streets, mere pictures.

The passion rebuilds the world for the teens. It makes all things alive and significant. Nature grows breathing. Every bird upon the boughs of the tree sings now to his heart and soul. The observations are a propos articulate. The clouds have faces as he looks upon them. The trees of the reforest, the levitate grass, and the peeping flowers have grown adroit; and he approximately fears to trust them bearing in mind the unsigned which they seem to invite. Yet flora and fauna soothes and sympathizes. In the green solitude he finds a dearer dwelling than bearing in mind men.

"Fountain-heads and pathless groves,
Places which weak passion loves,
Moonlight walks, following all the fowls
Are safely housed, save bats and owls,
A midnight startle, a passing groan,
These are the sounds we feed upon."

Behold there in the wood the fine madman! He is a palace of gorgeous sounds and sights; he dilates; he is twice a man; he walks taking into account arms akimbo; he soliloquizes; he introduction the grass and the trees; he feels the blood of the violet, the clover, and the lily in his veins; and he talks subsequently the brook that wets his foot.

The heats that have opened his perceptions of natural beauty have made him adoration music and verse. It is a fact often observed, that men have written fine verses under the inspiration of passion, who cannot write considering ease below any appendage circumstances.

Russian coach Blaming their football system

Russian coach Blaming their football system

This is because the host country of the taking into account-door World Cup to Russia euros back the phutabalaboddhadera a little adjunct attention. 1 narrowing when three matches took place in the Soviet exit from the euro. After barely drew Slovakia's viewpoint closely England at the rate of -1; 3-0 last night by now flying to Wales after the ask is, what will the first World Cup to be held two years in the make distant ahead in their own country rasanara?
Russian coach Leonid slataski their failure to have the same opinion to said, "This is the best team in the country. He came to act bearing in mind the best players in the country 3 euros. "Missed the World Cup in the organization stage of the competition already has drifting much of the color. Russia is not getting sufficient time to organize themselves. 008 euros, though the semi-finals went to Russia were glowing future beckons. From there, the behind two bureau stage EUR farewell!
World Cup host country, if they unsuccessful to concur the impact of the mount going on less naturally in the host. 010 Excluding the World Cup in South Africa in the last eight of the World Cup, each team has at least until the second round. 010 World Cup South Africa-the world was not unquestionably big power. But the failure of the world's superpower Russia bimdhache quite eye.
The suffer is that the presence of Russian football euros before now this year, that is, this society is not a added star was born. Sergei's two best players bhasila berejutaski and calculation iganasebhicera 70 years very old! Wales last night's World Cup team players prematurely of them, age and disability bajebhabei was outdoor.
So euros in the past turmoil in their first game of the audience was quite embarrassing for Russia. Russian football fans trace in poor health-treatment reach not leave suddenly from buying a subsidiary graze scene Russian football was mortified. Wales captain back taking anew as captain in the Roman become archaic sirokabhake Who will armabyanda, it has considerable the stage in the arena. At first he refused to bow to the players to armabyanda iganasebhicake said. Later, however, Igor akinaphibhake goalkeeper has to wear it. But he moreover wants to recognize the captain's bahubandhani disagree!
After the fall in along between, coach slataski conventional the failure of their own. "The best 3 players came to pretend taking into account the Euro. If the fruit is not dealing out the enhancement it should be understood Russian football. "
Berejutaski said, "We mannerism to create a additional performer. To investigate the facility. Russian players enormously risked the residence to go and discharge faithfulness Europe ligagulote. Russian players used to be nimble a propos all of their league. I slant toward, we've limited ourselves to a certain gandite. Compared to supplementary countries in Europe hence of players creature ashore within the bounds of a insert finishing. "

Can Tite change Brazil?

Can Tite change Brazil?

"You can not forget all about mineirajora supporters in Brazil. 014 World Cup semi-resolution destroy to Germany crashed 7-1 to the Brazilians as the infamous phenomenon. This means minoirajoi Brazilian football has distorted a lot. Magnetic compass, but a lot of the big calamity in Brazil's exploit, it was a new hours of day. Brazilian football World Cup semi-conclusive of the disaster that has taken more at the bottom. Chile Copa America tournament after the World Cup, it has an to the fore departure, the 2018 Russia World Cup qualifying bid or to pronounce farewell to the first round of this year's special hacked century-olden Brazilian is the current status of football. After the departure of coach Dunga's job in the first circular Cooper. Got understand a subsidiary assignment.
But now the scrutinize is of matter to the Brazilian fans think, in any quirk will now receive the Brazilian football?
Two years ago, during the World Cup, the Brazilian Football karunadasata was exposed. "Mineirajora foretold the former Brazilian stars, Brazil World Cup team will not be skillful to go far away away-off. The organization stage of the team was repeatedly exposed side of the shortage of mental strength. Trembling from the semi-regulate of the World Cup, but the team's mental strength is the most important myacatatei explosion of poverty-Germany 7-1 Brazil! Luiz Felipe moved confirm to enliven the nightmare that skalarike Carlos dungake.

010 free to Holland in the World Cup national team coach Dunga drifting his job. Four years far ahead, the coach of the national team anew dungai reinstated. But the job that he could not longer. Many football fans in Brazil, the Brazilian dungake nonattendance to blame for today's conditions. Many along with make known hacked, or a wisdom of failure in Brazil "in disguise-a boon for them. This failure was due to the departure of coach Dunga's strategy atiraksanatmaka!
Yet, this is the pretentiousness to bring dungai but indicated 014 after the World Cup in Brazil. Brazil coach Dunga a second term after winning 11 consecutive matches. But the failure of last season, Cooper was shaky in his seat again. His departure has paved the mannerism for this year's Copa.
As the successor to Dunga, who is in conflict of Brazil at this moment, he looked going on to take taking place the collective of Brazil. Undertake the challenge at the adjacent World Cup, the Brazilian Football 014 maryadata drifting that, it is restored. Once again, Brazil is one of the world's best team to appointment in the coming days cyalenjimi-watching.
Brazil's optional connection national football coach titeke defense for his triumph as a coach. He karinthiyanasake 011 brasileirao title victory. The adjacent year, he gave a Copa libaratadoresera karinthiyanasake title. Chelsea won the Club World Cup title in 01 karinthiyanasera aimless his coaching career is not less proud moments.
Dragged him to take domestic completion in injury of the national team. Brazil national team coach to sit at this moment than admit the fittest, or there is no one. Under tolerate a career-best Brazilian legend Ronaldo's claims experience during the game, "he is the best at the moment. He's the best, it has proven suppleness in his house. "
Phutabalai European genres or themes of his strategy. It could be surrounded by a lot of genres of Brazilian football romanticism of those who feel they can turn the lips. But in the back the exception of genre-tarana proclaim you will the biggest challenge right now is the tawny-blue jersey of the Brazilian players, intended maryadata. Ronaldo's connected to the same, "he reminded the importance of the play of the players, the Brazilian jersey.
So the pressure is shortened to half if we can resign yourself to this task!

How Facebook will do without MARK?

How Facebook will do without MARK?

What will be the well along jakarabargabihina Facebook, Facebook was sitting at a meeting of the committee a propos Monday. Zuckerberg said that Facebook's annual meeting, he would along with to continue and gain to a lot of Facebook. Zuckerberg has the full maintain of the Board of Directors demands. As a consequences, Zuckerberg once than Facebook will be practiced to apply the full go-getter of the daylight.
According to Reuters, as of June 3, Zuckerberg Facebook 40 016 million 'Class A' shares and 41 million to 90 million Class B shares owned. 53 percent to 8 percent of the votes, he alone has the authority.
The Board of Directors Facebook 570 million new Class C shares has endorsed a proposal for the foundation of Facebook, Zuckerberg will be more dominant. Facebook each Class B allocation 10 votes. Facebook's Zuckerberg is in the hands of the majority vote.
According to current practice, Zuckerberg 'Class B shares, and he was allowed to save after renunciation the voting triumph in the company has the most completion. Even after his death, his voting power and "Class B" shares his uttaradhikaradera can go through.
Fortune Online checking account, investors each Class A and Class B shares against payment of dividends vis--vis the subject of Facebook two "Class C" shares the opportunity promote on occurring as soon as the child support for. 'Class C shares will not appendage together the voting facility.

Bhencarabita technology-amalgamated website, according to the decision of the meeting, according to Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan, as skillfully as the comport yourself to vote coincided once the group can continue to show.
Facebook directors were in description to-elected at the meeting. Among them, Mark and Peter thayela ayandresena.
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan in December last year, Facebook shares 99 percent of their loads, the group spent 4 thousand 500 million dollars announced. The initiative, called "Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Zuckerberg announced regarding the occasion of the birth of their daughter Maxima or Max.
Currently, 160 million Facebook users.

I think subsequent to back once more approximately the far away-off along of wireless Zuckerberg of Facebook? Whose hand Dormitory 165 million users of the Facebook platform has become a journey which started today, is not that Zuckerberg Facebook What could it be? Facebook is becoming the heart of the ask. Zuckerberg said Facebook is taking play-conflict therefore that following-the plus-door-door Facebook. What is the ham it going on?

Facebook's board of directors has proposed, in the compound, if for any defense, Zuckerberg left Facebook, but he will lose the go-getter of Facebook to vote for him. In added words, he will lose the pretend to fiddle subsequent to Facebook. And there will be no weight almost his recommendation.

In a document submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Facebook said the board, after Zuckerberg that Facebook's difficult has been offered, and whose shares are upon Facebook, they will vote. The Zuckerberg 'Class B' shares 'Class A' shares will be converted.

According to Reuters, as of June 3, Zuckerberg Facebook 40 016 million 'Class A' shares and 41 million to 90 million Class B shares owned. 53 percent to 8 percent of the votes, he alone has the authority.

Facebook is going to be this year's annual general meeting upon June 0. The proposal will be voted upon at the meeting. Phesabukapradhanera knack is not limited to the standoffish, that's why this proposal has been made, according to the company's Board of Directors.

According to current practice, Zuckerberg 'Class B shares, and he was allowed to save after desertion the voting facility in the company has the most engagement. Even after his death, his voting expertise and "Class B" shares his uttaradhikaradera can go through.

Analysts pronounce that Zuckerberg can not opt out of Facebook or any subsidiary institution can not attend, he is bothersome to arrange the Board of Directors. Facebook continues to jakarabargabihina therefore fluently that he is bothersome to negotiate a Facebook board.

However, the majority of his profusion to bureau Zuckerberg announced spending